And the adventure begins

March 28th – She’s ours! Today we signed the papers to close on Bonnie Bourne.  Oh my gosh, I’m so awed and grateful.  Those who know me understand this was the quintessential tissue moment — which I naturally relied on others to supply 🙂 — especially after my cousin, Trustee for the estate and awesome supporter of our efforts to reclaim the family farm, ceremonially presented us the original deed for the house as part of the closing. In 1796!!!, the original deed went to the buyer because there were no copy machines or even carbon paper.

In 1796, my many-greats grandparents purchased 25 acres of what would later become a much larger farm.  Over the course of 7 generations and 220 years, the property was divided down to 100 acres, including the original 25.  With the 8th generation — my mother’s generation, the property was split in two pieces: 40 acres with the house, properly Bonnie Bourne and now our home; and 60 acres of farmland, which my mother still owns and farms.  The farmhouse was built on top of what we believe to be the first house, built in 1806.  (We have more reading and digging to do to understand where the family lived between 1796 and 1806.)

My grandmother enjoyed a passion for history and carefully documented our ancestry back through the generations. Through her diligence the original deed was preserved. My grandmother also loved the land. When she was little, she lived in a brick house which still stands today about 2 miles away from the farmhouse. She vowed to return one day to Bonnie Bourne and make it her home.  Her father deeded her that portion of his 400 acres — he had four daughters — and she did move there with my grandfather, building the current stone house in 1934.

I share a similar love of history and this land. I have wanted for many years to ensure its preservation. Little did I know that would translate today into signing the deed transferring this land into the hands of mine, the 9th generation, thus enabling the adventures of restoring the farm to begin.

What grace!

Vali & Jim

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1 Comment

  1. Vali and Jim – it was one year ago that you became the proud stewards of this slice of heaven. We watch and marvel at your progress, and thank you for sharing your love of the land. We will find you soon, as we have wine pickups at the local winery soon! All our love, Tammy and Scott LeGrys

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